Page last reviewed: 26 November 2024

Housing completions and supply

The latest housing completions and supply report (PDF, 1.3MB) provides details of the housing completions and the housing supply in Cheshire East at the base date of 31 March 2024.

Housing monitoring update

National planning policy requires councils to identify a supply of deliverable sites sufficient to provide a minimum of five years’ worth of housing. The HMU reviews the housing delivery and supply in the borough each year, and includes information on housing completions, commitments, housing requirement, five year supply calculation (including shortfall), relevant buffer and the number of years of supply.

The latest HMU 2022/23 provides this information at the base date of 31 March 2023, concluding that there was an 11.7 years supply of deliverable housing sites. The HMU 2023/24 (base date 31 March 2024) is currently being prepared.

Reports archive

Reports from previous years remain available for information.

Housing completions and supply reports

Housing monitoring update reports

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment was published in 2012.

Page last reviewed: 26 November 2024