2011 Census
Please note the 2021 Census is the latest census to take place, this page is for historical reference.
Helping tomorrow take shape
Every ten years the Office for National Statistics (ONS) carries out a census to find out more about the people who live in England and Wales, and about the make-up of local neighbourhoods. The most recent Census took place on Sunday 27 March 2011, when ONS sent out questionnaires for around 25 million households to complete.
In addition to the headline results below, you may also be interested in the more detailed Ward Atlas available from the Council's Open Data website. In addition, the Office for National Statistics have further information in their 2011 Census data catalogue.
Headline result showed:
- a population estimate for Cheshire East of 370,127. This represents an increase of 5.2% from the 2001 Census, a larger increase than the North West (4.8%) but a smaller increase than England & Wales (7.8%)
- as the figure is considerably higher than the 2010 estimate for Cheshire East of 363,800, it suggests that previous estimates have underestimated the population of Cheshire East
- males and females in their 30s were the largest underestimated group, accounting for 2,300 of the 6,300 underestimation for the borough (37%). Those in their 60s were underestimated by 1,200 (19%) and those aged 50-54 were underestimated by 1,100 (17%)
- in 2001 the median age of usual residents was 40.6 years and in 2011 this had increased to 43.6 years. Cheshire East ranks 97th of 348 local authorities in England & Wales for median age, whilst West Somerset ranks first with a median age of 51.7 years
- 8,473 usual residents of Cheshire East (2.3%) have a second address at which they stay at for more than 30 days per year, outside of Cheshire East, slightly lower than the North West (2.5%)
- 10,748 people who are usually residents of other local authorities, have a second address in Cheshire East. This is approximately 2.9% of the usual resident population of Cheshire East, higher than the North West (2.3%)
- the proportion of CE residents who classed themselves as White British reduced from 96.2% to 93.6%
- the proportion of CE residents who classed themselves as Christian reduced from 80.3% in 2001 to 68.9% in 2011, with the proportion of those having no religion almost doubling in the same period to 22.7%
- 5.1% of CE residents were born outside the British Isles, with 2.7% born outside the EU. The most common non-British Isles countries for residents to have been born in are Poland and India
- the proportion of adults (aged 16+) with at least level 4 qualifications (degree, NVQ level 4-5, HNC, HND, BTEC Higher level etc.) increased from 23.8% to 32.0%. The national rate is 27.2%
- 3.0% of CE households have members for whom English is not the main language, and, in half of these households, no members have English as their main language
- 17.5% of CE residents have a long-term health problem / disability, up from 16.8% in 2001
- 40,003 residents are 'unpaid carers', with 8,024 providing at least 50 hours per week.

Why should this matter?
Like all local authorities in England and Wales, Cheshire East Council relies on census population statistics to get the government funding we need for public services. How much we get is directly related to how many and what kind of people the census says live in our area. It is the only survey to provide a detailed picture of the entire population and is unique because it covers everyone at the same time and asks the same questions everywhere in the country.
The 2001 Census
The previous national questionnaire was sent out for the 2001 census and helped to provide valuable information about the age of the people living in Cheshire East, the type of jobs they had, how many people they lived with along with a whole load more interesting facts and figures. These helped inform the council what services were needed where and how we can best serve the people of Cheshire East.
Page last reviewed: 09 November 2022
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