Page last reviewed: 09 October 2024

Additional planning policies and guidance

Planning policy is set out in the local plansaved policies and completed neighbourhood plans.

There are also a number of policy and guidance documents that set out the council's intentions with regard to specific topics and sites/areas. Although these guidance documents are not part of the statutory development plan for Cheshire East, they may still be a material consideration when making planning decisions.

Additional planning policies and guidance
Planning guidance typeDescription
Supplementary planning documents SPDs  add further detail to policies in the development plan and provide further guidance on specific topics or locations.
Planning guidance and development briefs Other planning guidance is available, which has been approved by the council but not adopted as a formal SPD .

Further planning information

Further planning information includes documents, leaflets and booklets that provide information on various aspects of the built environment and the planning system. There are also links to national policy and guidance.

Details of all planning policy documents can also be found in the planning policy document index.

Page last reviewed: 09 October 2024