Page last reviewed: 09 October 2024

Saved and other policies

Saved policies are planning policies from previous Local Plans that remain part of the statutory development plan for Cheshire East and can still be used in determining planning applications. Under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Local Authorities may apply to the Secretary of State to extend policies where they are necessary and do not repeat national guidance.

Currently, the following documents have saved policies that apply in Cheshire East:

Saved policies in these documents will continue to be used until they are replaced by new policies in the Minerals and Waste Plan. The remaining policies from the Congleton Local Plan, Crewe and Nantwich Local Plan, and Macclesfield Local Plan have now been replaced and are no longer used in making planning decisions.

Other policies

In addition to the Local Plan and saved policies, there are also a number of documents that set out the council's intentions with regard to specific topics and sites/areas.  These are accessible from the Additional Planning Policies page.

Page last reviewed: 09 October 2024