Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas - Planning Constraints

A Conservation Area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.

Cheshire East Council has a duty to designate as conservation areas those areas within its boundary which are considered to have outstanding historic or architectural interest. Conservation Areas serve not only to protect the best of the townscape and natural environment in Cheshire East but also to illustrate the evolution of the area and provide an historic framework for future development. The Local Planning Authority is required to keep the designation of Conservation Areas under review.

Policies in the Adopted Local Plans are designed to ensure that development in conservation areas is undertaken in such a way as to achieve a solution which conserves and enhances the particular characteristics of the designated area.

Conservation Area Character Appraisal - A published document defining the special architectural or historic interest that warranted the area being designated.

Planning Permission for Relevant Demolition in a Conservation Area - Consent required for the demolition of an unlisted building within a conservation area.

Listed Buildings - Planning Constraints

A listed building is a building of special architectural or historic interest included in a list compiled or approved by the Secretary of State as defined in Section 1 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

Listed buildings are a finite resource and their continued existence is of significant importance as a visual asset to Cheshire East and as a means of interpreting past historical or architectural events. Their future well-being needs is safeguarded by adequate and relevant policies designed to ensure that their value is at least maintained and wherever possible enhanced. In dealing with all matters concerning listed buildings, Cheshire East Council takes full account of current government advice on Planning and the Historic Environment in issued Planning Policy Guidance.

Listed buildings require regular and sympathetic maintenance if their value is not to be eroded. This does not always occur - for a variety of reasons. With whatever assistance it can provide the Local Planning Authority will seek to secure the repair and proper maintenance and continued use of listed buildings. The Local Planning Authority will also seek to control and rectify any inappropriate and unauthorised works to listed buildings.

In addition to these statutory listed buildings, there are many buildings of local interest which also deserve careful consideration in any development proposals. It is important that these buildings are identified and afforded some status for the particular qualities they possess. The Local Planning Authority has compiled a list of such buildings of local historic or architectural interest. The retention and refurbishment of these buildings will be encouraged by applying similar principles to those for statutory listed buildings.

Contact Development Management - Planning

0300 123 5014

Development Management
Cheshire East Council
PO Box 606
Municipal Buildings


Page last reviewed: 05 March 2024