Page last reviewed: 08 July 2022

A house in the UK with work being undertaken on the roof

Making a planning application

The volume of work across the service is exceptionally high which is affecting response times from Officers.

For application timescales and more information please visit planning update page.

The simplest way to submit a planning application is online via the Planning Portal

Registration is easy and you can complete your application form, upload supporting documents and pay fees online.

A planning application cannot be progressed until all the necessary supporting information and the appropriate fee is received.

Get started on the Planning Portal.

You can pay for your planning application online - you will need your Planning Portal or planning application reference number

The Planning Portal will calculate fees for you or you can see the full list of planning fees (PDF, 69KB).

Find out whether your proposed development needs to pay the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Timescales for planning applications

Most applications are taking 4-6 months to determine, longer for more complex matters. Valid applications continue to be registered and the appropriate publicity and consultations are taking place but allocation to a case officer is being delayed to manage workloads.

  • It will take up to 4 months for an application to be allocated to a case officer
  • Once allocated, agents or applicants will be contacted by the case officer within 2 weeks to provide an initial update and time frame for decision
  • We will be asking applicants / agents for extensions of time on applications where necessary 
  • Monitor this website for comments and consultation responses and await contact from the case officer before asking the Service for an update on your application
  • You will be given an opportunity to resolve any minor problems with applications

Speed up the process of determination and to assist our officers by:

  • Submit photographs with the application in accordance with the information for providing photographs to support your application
  • ensuring submitted applications include all necessary information for them to be assessed effectively by officers and consultees
  • not submitting any updates or revisions to the application until you have agreed this with the officer as this creates confusion for the public and consultees

Contact Development Management - Planning

0300 123 5014

Development Management
Cheshire East Council
PO Box 606
Municipal Buildings

Page last reviewed: 08 July 2022