Page last reviewed: 04 September 2024

Disabled person's bus pass

If you have a disability, you may be eligible for free bus travel. We do not provide companion (plus one) passes.

How to apply

If you have access to the internet, an email address and you are able to take photos and upload documents, you can apply through the My Bus Pass portal. This will take about 10 minutes.

What you need to supply

For proof of identity and age, you will need to supply one of the following:

  • a birth certificate (where the name differs due to marriage, civil partnership, divorce or deed poll, suitable legal documentation will be required to support the application)
  • a valid driving licence photocard
  • a valid passport

For proof of residence, you will need to supply one of the following:

  • a council tax bill or utility bill
  • a permanent barge mooring certificate
  • a bank statement (within 3 months)

A photograph:

  • a clear 'head and shoulders' photograph of yourself that can be used on your bus pass. You can wear your glasses on the photograph as long as there is no glare. 

Evidence of your disability

You will also need to supply one of the following about your disability, plus recent evidence dated within one year:

If there are any problems with your application a member of the team will contact you by email asking you to resubmit your evidence.

Apply in person

You can apply for your bus pass in person at any of the Cheshire East libraries.

You will need to bring proof of identity, age, residence and disability as listed above.

The advisor will take a photo for your application.

What happens next

You should receive your bus pass within 10 working days of making your application.

Journeys starting in Cheshire East:

  • Monday to Friday before 9.30am – half fare
  • Monday to Friday between 9.30am and last bus – free
  • Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays – free

Journeys outside of Cheshire East:

  • Monday to Friday between 9.30am to 11pm - free
  • Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays - free

Cheshire East passes are not valid for journeys into Wales.

Blind/partially sighted

If you are a Cheshire East resident and hold a disabled persons ENCTS pass on the grounds of visual impairment and have been issued with a fluorescent wallet then you are entitled to free travel on all local bus journeys starting in Cheshire East regardless of time. The pass must be retained in the fluorescent wallet provided at all times in order to receive all the concessions to which you are entitled.


The English National Concessionary Bus Pass issued by Cheshire East Council is not valid for use on:

  • bus services on which the majority of seats can be reserved in advance of travel (such as coaches)
  • bus services that are intended to run for a period of less than 6 consecutive weeks
  • bus services operated primarily for the purposes of tourism or because of the historical interest of the vehicle
  • bus substitution (rail replacement) services
  • bus services where the fare charged by the operator has a special amenity element
  • tours, excursions and sightseeing buses
  • express bus services such as National Express
  • night buses
  • trains, trams, ferries, Metrolink or Underground.

The charge for a replacement bus pass that has been lost or damaged is £10. Stolen passes will be replaced free of charge on production of a crime number issued by the police.

If you find your original pass after we have issued a replacement, you must return the original pass to the address on the reverse for secure disposal as it will have been cancelled on the system to prevent further use. We cannot issue a refund after a replacement pass has been issued.

You can request a replacement for a lost or damaged bus pass through  the My Buss Pass portal or in person at any of the Cheshire East libraries. Stolen passes can only be replaced at a Cheshire East library.

You will receive a letter 4 to 6 weeks before your pass expires. You will need to fill in the enclosed renewal form and send it back with supporting evidence or a GP declaration as detailed by the evidence sheet.

In some cases where valid evidence has been provided showing that the disability is permanent an automatic renewal will take place as long as you have used your pass within the 12 months before expiry. If you haven't used your bus pass in the 12 months before expiry or it has already expired then you will need to make a new application. You can do this through the My Bus Pass Portal.

New passes will automatically be issued up to 18 days before your pass is due to expire.

Your new bus pass will be posted to your home address and should arrive within 10 working days from when we receive the above documentation from you.

Address changes

If you have moved house since your pass was issued you will need to update your details so we have the correct address to send your renewal letter and new pass to.

You will need to take proof of your new address such as a Council Tax bill, utility bill or recent bank statement as evidence to any of the Cheshire East libraries.

Name changes

If your name change is due to marriage, civil partnership, divorce or deed poll, we will need suitable legal documentation to update your details. You will need to visit an office in person with suitable legal evidence of the change.

Changes can only be made in person at any of the Cheshire East libraries.

Cheshire East Council is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. The Council may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, in order to prevent and detect fraud.

Data matching involves comparing computer records held by one body against other computer records held by the same or another body to see how far they match. This is usually personal information. Computerised data matching allows potentially fraudulent claims and payments to be identified. Where a match is found it indicates that there is an inconsistency which requires further investigation. No assumption can be made as to whether there is fraud, an error has been made or if there is another explanation, until an investigation is carried out.

The Cabinet Office currently requires us to participate in a data matching exercise called the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud. We are required to provide concessionary travel data to the Cabinet Office for matching for each exercise. These data matching exercises will satisfy data protection and human rights principles. For further details on these exercises see or phone the council on 0300 123 5500.

Contact the Bus Pass team


Page last reviewed: 04 September 2024