Page last reviewed: 18 May 2021

Emotionally Healthy Children and Young People

The Emotionally Healthy Children and Young People Programme aims to offer secure, sustainable support to all children and young people who may need help or advice in order to achieve good emotional wellbeing. The service brings together colleagues from early years, education, health and the voluntary sector to support children, families and professionals in Cheshire East in their efforts to improve mental health outcomes.

Research evidence shows that half of all lifetime mental health problems develop by the age of 14; over 75% before the age of 24 and affect up to 1 in 4 people. 

Sound mental health supports stability, social integration, resilience and success in school, work and within the community.

If you require help with your own mental health or that of a child in your care, you can contact one of these agencies:

Resources for emotionally healthy children and young people

Page last reviewed: 18 May 2021