What you can put in your bins


  1. Silver bin
  2. Black bin
  3. Green or brown bin

Silver bin

Use your silver (grey) bin for items that can be recycled. Leave items loose, not inside plastic bags or tubs, to make them easier to sort.

 'Leave it Loose' recycling leaflet (PDF, 4MB)

Things that can go in:

  • aerosols (empty)
    including hairspray / deodorant, shaving foam, polish, toiletries and cleaning spray aerosols
  • cardboard, paper, newspapers and magazines
    including window envelopes, directories and catalogues
  • cartons
    including empty juice cartons, food cartons and milk cartons
  • glass bottles and jars
  • plastic bags and polythene
  • plastic bottles
    including empty drinks, detergent, cleaning / bleach, and toiletry bottles
  • plastic containers and trays
    including empty yoghurt / cream / custard / soup / sauce pots, margarine and ice cream tubs, fruit and vegetable punnets
  • tins, cans and foil
    including empty food / drinks cans, biscuit tins, takeaway containers and clean foil

Things that can't go in:

  • batteries and electrical items
  • clothing, textiles, carpets and duvets
  • food waste
  • hazardous aerosols, for example, paint sprays
  • nappies
  • needles and syringes
  • polystyrene and hard plastics
  • tied bin bags / carrier bags - leave your recycling loose

If you have something to throw away or recycle that's not on this list, use our A to Z of what waste goes where to find out how to recycle or dispose of it.

Download print version

If you want a handy reference, download a print-friendly version of what goes in your silver bin (PDF, 237KB).

Page last reviewed: 20 January 2025