Page last reviewed: 12 November 2021

Right to data portability

Where you have provided personal information to us by electronic means, you have the right to receive this information in a commonly used format. This means that, where you have submitted information to us online or through an automated process such as a job application, you can have a copy of that information returned to you in an electronic format so that you can transfer it to another organisation.  

You can ask us to send the information directly to the other organisation for you, if technically possible.

The right to data portability only applies in the following situations:

  • to personal information you have provided directly to us
  • where our use is based on your consent or for a contract we have with you
  • when the processing is carried out by automated means.

Before we provide information back to you or transfer it to another organisation, we will need to check your identity. Please see your right of access for details of what identity documents to provide.

We will act on your request as soon as possible and within one month.  If it is complex, we might need to extend the timescale by a further two months, but we will tell you within a month if that is the case.

Page last reviewed: 12 November 2021