Page last reviewed: 24 December 2024

Housing advice


Being asked to leave a tenancy

Your landlord may decide to start eviction proceedings by serving a written section 21 (non-fault) notice. The current legal notice must be given on a GOV.UK form 6a

The minimum notice period, when relying on a section 21 notice, is 2 months and the landlord does not have to give a reason. However, possession cannot be given before a fixed term ends when relying on this course of action.

If a landlord can evidence that the tenant has broken the terms of the tenancy which may be for non-payment or regular late payment of rent, they can apply for eviction under Section 8 of the Housing Act. This requires a much shorter notice period and can be used at any time.

It is important that as soon as your landlord issues you with a notice that you start to make plans for your move and that you contact Cheshire East Council’s Homechoice and Prevention Team as soon as you are able.

More full information about private rented tenancies and your rights can be found in our tenants guide 

Leaving a social tenancy

Social landlords can issue notice to leave their accommodation, but only if you have broken the terms of your tenancy, this is usually because of rent arrears or anti-social behaviour. 

A social landlord must take you to court to formally end your tenancy although they might ask you to give up your tenancy informally. If you are in rent arrears or if your social landlord has indicated that they will be seeking court action, please contact the Homechoice and Prevention Tam as soon as you are able.

Transferring to a different more suitable accommodation

If your current social rented home is too big, or too small or affecting your health, you can apply for a transfer to an alternative social tenancy, but your rent account must be clear of arrears and your property must be in good condition. A transfer to another tenancy in Cheshire East is done by registering an application with Cheshire homechoice.

Exchanging your home to live in another area 

If your home is suitable but you would like to live in another area you can apply to exchange your home this is done by completing an application to This is where residents of social housing can apply to swap their homes with tenants in other areas.

Contact the Homechoice and Prevention team

Before you end your tenancy or if you have received notice that your landlord would like to end your tenancy seek advice from our Homechoice and Prevention Team On 0300 123 5017 (Monday to Friday, 10:30 - 12:30 and 13:30 - 16:30). 

Page last reviewed: 24 December 2024