Page last reviewed: 20 May 2024

Housing advice


Hospital discharge

If you are going into hospital or have already been admitted and are worried about your accommodation, tell someone at the hospital.

The sooner staff at the hospital know, the sooner they will be able to signpost you to sources of support. 

Your current home may be able to be adapted or if you qualify for rent and income assistance while in the hospital, we'll make sure you're supported. The hospital discharge team will contact us. Together, we'll ensure you don't lose your home during your hospital stay and that it's suitable for your return. 

If your home can't be made suitable or if you lose it while in the hospital, the discharge team will contact to the Housing Options team. Together, we'll plan for the day you are discharged. 

Further guidance on housing advice for people leaving hospital (PDF, 43KB)

Hospital staff making a referral

Hospital staff can make a referral at our duty to refer portal or by contacting the team on 0300 123 5017.

Page last reviewed: 20 May 2024