Page last reviewed: 20 May 2024

Housing advice


Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone. It takes many forms from violence and threats to controlling behaviour and emotional cruelty.

Domestic abuse can occur in any kind of relationship and in any culture. 

Cheshire East Council is committed to helping you live a life without fear. There are housing options for helping you stay at home or helping you move home. 

If you wish to move home, we can provide you with advice and support. Whether you are in a joint tenancy, have rent arrears, or children there are options for a planned move. You can look to make an application for social housing, or you can consider renting privately and, in some cases, we may be able to assist with deposits or rent in advance.

If you are fleeing and you have the time you may want to consider taking:

  • all bank and credit cards in your name
  • yours and your children's passports
  • your driver's licence
  • any bills in your name
  • your tenancy agreement
  • your phone
  • your clothes and children's clothes
  • your house, car, and work keys
  • legal papers, such as birth and marriage certificates
  • any police reports or court order papers

If you wish to stay in your current home and need support in excluding your abuser and staying safe, we also have advice about our sanctuary and target hardening schemes.

We are committed to supporting those who suffer from domestic abuse. See our advice for people experiencing domestic abuse (PDF, 252KB) 

How we aim to do this, and what to expect from our service, can be found in our Domestic Abuse Customer Policy (PDF, 336KB)

Contact Housing Options

If you leave home in a crisis and cannot return, you should contact the Housing Options Team on 0300 123 5017 (or 0300 123 5025 outside of office hours). 

We will help you access a temporary or refuge placement away from your previous place of residence. 

Page last reviewed: 20 May 2024