The Care Act

In April 2015, care and support in England changed for the better. The new Care Act has helped to make the care and support system more consistent across the country.

This page is intended to help you understand the Act and how we have responded in Cheshire East, and to provide further information and contact details which you might find helpful.

Care and Support

Under the Care Act, local authorities have new functions. We have to make sure that if you live in our area:

  • you will receive services that prevent your care needs from becoming more serious, or delay the impact of your needs
  • you can get the information and advice you need to make good decisions about your care and support
  • you have a range of provision of high quality, appropriate services to choose from

‘Care and support’ is the term used to describe the help that some adults need to remain independent, to keep well, and to be happy. It can include help with things like getting out of bed, washing, dressing, getting to work, cooking meals, eating, seeing friends, caring for families and being part of the community.

It might also include emotional support at a time of difficulty and stress, helping people who are caring for an adult family member or friend.

Care and support includes the help given by family and friends, as well as any provided by the council or other organisations.

Your wellbeing

Many of us will need care and support at some point in our lives and the new national changes are designed to put you in control of the help you receive. Any decisions about your care and support will consider your wellbeing and what is important to you and your family, so you can stay healthy and will remain independent for longer.

You could benefit from the changes if you: 

  • receive care and support
  • support someone as a carer
  • are planning for future care and support

What has changed

In April 2015 the following changes were introduced:

  • new national eligibility criteria for care and support needs for which social care support will be provided 
  • new rights to support for carers
  • legal right to a personal budget and direct payment
  • the extension of local authority adult social care responsibility to include prisons
  • new responsibilities for local authorities around transition from children’s to adults services, ensuring provision is available if a provider goes out of business, supporting people who move between local authority areas, and safeguarding

Our 2-minute animated video gives a simple summary of the Care Act and what it may mean for Cheshire East.

Further information

More detail on the Care Act from the Department of Health is available through the websiteCare and Support pages.

Get in touch

For any queries about the Care Act please email Alternatively, please contact us by telephone on 0300 123 5010.

Information & Advice Cheshire East (iace) provides independent advice on the Care Act. or you can phone 01260 288 353 to speak to a Care Act Advisor or email

Page last reviewed: 05 February 2020

Contact details

Phone 0300 123 5010

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