Your Care and Support plan

View services to help you plan your care and support

Following your assessment, if you have eligible care and support needs, we will develop your Care and Support Plan with you to identify what support you need to meet your needs and help you to achieve your outcomes. This will include both informal support and care that may require a funding contribution from adult social care.

Your social worker will work with the Care and Support Sourcing team to find different types of support and services that could help you. You could also be referred to the Reablement service, a free short term service that provides support with the aim of helping people learn or relearn skills to keep them independent.

Your Care and Support Plan will be reviewed regularly and you can request a review if your circumstances change.

If you have eligible needs, you will have a financial assessment that will determine whether you need to contribute towards the cost of your care needs. You will also receive information on where you can get independent financial advice, and how to ensure that you are receiving all the benefits to which you are entitled.

You can choose to have a direct payment so that you can pay for the support that you choose yourself.

Choices for care

Choices for Care

If you would like information and advice without having to go through a full assessment of your social care needs, please visit our Choices for Care page.

Choices for Care, provides you with online support to help you to identify the support you need. This includes relevant services from the Live Well directory.

You can also choose to submit the information you provide to the Council’s Adult Social Care service, who will then contact you to consider your situation further.

Page last reviewed: 27 February 2025

Care Finder

If you are a self-funder or a personal budget holder, you can find care and support providers using Care Finder, the online tool to help you source your own care services.

Find out more by visiting the Care Finder information page.

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