Healthy Relationships for Children and Young People 

Every family is different. And no matter who is in your family, things can be tough sometimes. 

You might worry about:

Whatever’s happening at home, support is available to help you get through it.

Everyone in a relationship disagrees sometimes. This could be you and your friends, your parents, or your wider family. But when you hear people that you love argue, this can make you feel worried and upset. Especially if you're worried they will get hurt or your parents are getting divorced.

Hearing your parents arguing doesn't mean that they'll separate or get divorced. But if you're worried about what's happening, it can help to:

  • talk to someone you trust about what's happening
  • stay out of any arguments, especially if you're worried that it won't be safe
  • talk to young people going through the same thing on the message boards
  • distract yourself by listening to music or using the Art box.

If it's an emergency or someone is being hurt, call 999.

Toolbox | Childline

If your parents have separated, or are thinking about separating, there are some useful websites that could help:

  • CAFCASS help young people whose parents are going through family courts
  • LawStuff help you learn your rights if you're parents get divorced. 

Tailored to Teens

It is important that not only can we recognise healthy relationships in others, but we also need to recognise healthy relationships between ourselves and others.

Useful links:

What Makes A Relationship Healthy?

 Woman's Aid Expect Respect Leaflet

Cheshire East Healthy Relationships Team

For further information, support or advice please contact the healthy relationships team at Cheshire East, pop into your local Children’s Centre/Family Hub or call the Family Help Front Door on 0300 123 5012 (option 3, option 1) for an informal discussion.


Cheshire East’s Healthy Relationships Programme does not promote nor endorse the services advertised on this website. Anyone seeking to use/access such services does so at their own risk and should make all appropriate enquiries about fitness for purpose and suitability to meet their needs.

Page last reviewed: 10 January 2024

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