Healthy eating

Local healthy eating support services

Lifestyle on Prescription can help to encourage lifestyle changes, showing that common conditions can be improved through behaviour changes.

NHS eat well information

The NHS eat well support pages offer advice, support and also related facts.

What you eat can have a major impact on your health.

Eating healthily reduces the risk of early death and ill health from conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes, cancer and osteoporosis. And it is even more effective when combined with regular exercise.

Eating well is important to people of all ages, but especially young people (when many eating habits form) and those who are pregnant.

We have set up the One You Cheshire East service to help residents with advice on how to live a healthy lifestyle. This includes free services to help you eat a balanced diet, to lose weight and to exercise.

The Eatwell Guide also provides information on how to eat a balanced diet.

Support for Families 

  • Better Health provides a range of support including activities and recipes to keep your and your family healthy  

Page last reviewed: 25 June 2024

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