Stay safe
If you are worried for yourself or others
Call Cheshire East Council’s support teams:
- Adults: 0300 123 5010 (8:30am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday / 8:30am to 4:30pm Friday) or 0300 123 5022 outside these hours
- Children: call 0300 123 5012 (8.30am to 5.00pm) or 0300 123 5022 outside these hours
- Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub 24/7 0300 123 5101
Highways service
Highways information service gives live updates on the state of the roads across Cheshire East and beyond. You can check on road closures, or see where the gritters are.
Stay safe while out
Drink spiking
Drink spiking is illegal and can result in a maximum of 10 years in prison.
Before going out, let someone know where you're going, what time you expect to be home and your plans for your journey home. Avoid taking expensive equipment with you or anything that could be a target for thieves.
The following steps may help prevent drink spiking:
- never leave your drink unattended and keep an eye on your friends' drinks
- don't accept a drink from someone you don't know
- consider sticking to bottled drinks and avoiding punch bowls or jugs of cocktails
- don't give out your address to someone you've just met
- if you think your drink has been tampered with, don't drink it – tell a trusted friend or relative immediately
Stay safe by using only licensed taxis. Hackney carriages, must use a meter to determine the fare for any journey, and can be hailed in the street or hired from a taxi rank. Private Hire Vehicles must be pre-booked and the fare should be determined at the time of the booking.
- sit in the back of the vehicle
- keep your mobile phone where it is easily accessible
- make a note of the number plate and driver licence number and if uneasy text them to a friend / family
A licensed vehicle will display a licence plate which will include Cheshire East Council’s logo, the licence number and the vehicle registration number. A licensed driver will either wear or display an identity badge - showing the drivers licence number and licensing authority details.
Stay safe at home
Doorstep crime
There are many forms of doorstep crime, the main types being distraction burglary, bogus callers / bogus officials, high pressure doorstep selling and rogue traders.
Doorstep crime can affect anyone but often older and vulnerable adults are more at risk from becoming victims. Always be wary of leaflets posted through your door offering services and check on your neighbours, family and friends.
If you feel you have been a victim of Doorstep Crime please call Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0345 4040506.
For more information visit our trading standards page.
Home safety advice
Cheshire Fire Service advise you to keep chimneys and flues clean and well maintained, ensure that embers are properly put out before you go to bed and always use a fire guard to protect against flying sparks.
- a smoke alarm can give you the extra time you need to escape a house fire - test yours regularly.
- remember to stay with food while cooking it on a hob to prevent accidents.
Check electric blankets for:
- scorch marks or discoloration
- wires visible or poking through the fabric
- fabric is frayed or worn
- damage to the electrical cord
- control makes a buzzing sound or smells
- the connector is damaged or over-heating
For more advice or to book a Home Safety Visit call 0800 389 0053 or visit the Cheshire Fire Service website.
Helping homeless people
If you have seen someone sleeping rough in Cheshire East, please contact the Housing Options Team on 0300 123 5017.
Visit Cheshire Resilience for advice and information in the event of very severe weather or any local incidents that might affect your local amenities.
I.C.E. – In case of emergency
Putting an emergency contact in your mobile phone under the name of ICE will allow a member of the emergency services to contact the correct person quickly if you are involved in an accident or emergency.
Local police station contact details:
Local police stations contact details
Address | Phone number |
Congleton, Market Square, CW12 1EU |
0845 458 6382 |
Crewe, Civic Centre, CW1 2DQ |
0845 458 6370 |
Knutsford, Toft Road, WA16 0PA |
0845 458 6380 |
Macclesfield, Brunswick Street, SK10 1HQ |
0845 458 6371 |
Nantwich, Beam Street, CW5 5NE |
0845 458 6378 |
Wilmslow, Hawthorn Street, SK9 5EH |
0845 458 6374 |
For non-emergencies, dial 101. In an emergency, always dial 999
Page last reviewed: 18 March 2025
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