Winter bugs

Staying well this winter in Cheshire East 

Winter bugs are on the rise. From Norovirus and Influenza to Covid, it’s more important than ever to practice good health hygiene. Regular hand washing, hand sanitising and healthy socialising can mean the difference between a happy winter and one you won’t forget in a hurry. Don’t believe us? Take it from this lot.

Bert 1

Bert caught more than the match

Bert's nasty bout of flu gave him pause for thought. It might not always be easy to wash your hands but that doesn't mean you can't keep them clean.

Think you know everything about hand sanitiser? Think again.

Cough, sneeze and sanitise

The best time to get the sanitiser out is after you’ve coughed, sneezed or blown your nose. Wiping out those winter bugs as quickly as possible is the trick to preventing their spread to your better half, the kids and your mates. 

Ideally you should be using hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day. Especially before you get a round in, after you’ve been to the shop or any time you’re in a busy area.

Give it at least 30 seconds

It takes about 30 seconds for hand sanitiser to get to work and you need to ensure you’re getting full coverage. Make sure to sanitise the front and back of your hands, between your fingers and down to your wrists. Further information about hand hygiene can be found on the National Library of Medicine website

Sue 1

Sue shared more than sherry trifle

After a disastrous dinner party and giving her guests a bout of norovirus, Sue took some time to re-educate herself on the importance of proper hand hygiene.

You’re probably washing your hands wrong 

Did you know that regular hand washing can protect against most winter illnesses including Covid of course, but also common respiratory viruses and even Norovirus? 

The NHS recommends washing your hands with plain soap and water for a minimum of 30 seconds. That means palm to palm, backs of your hands, between your fingers and even on the tips. And if you’re in a public space, try turning the taps off with a tissue. There’s no knowing who’s been there before you. Find out more about washing your hands on the NHS website

Louise 1

Louise got more than she wished for

Older people and little ones like Louise are at greater risk from flu and respiratory syncytial virus, due to lower levels of immunity this year.

Discover how to make indoor gatherings safer for everyone.

What is RSV

Respiratory syncytial virus or RSV  is the medical name for a common respiratory virus that infects the nose, throat, lungs, and breathing passages. It can make babies and small children lives a misery. And cases are on the rise. 

Bronchiolitis is caused by a viral infection, usually the respiratory syncytial virus ( RSV ).  RSV is very common and spreads easily in coughs and sneezes. Almost all children have had it by the time they're two. Find out more about Bronchiolitis on the NHS website

Lower immunity, bigger risks

Last winter’s lockdown and reduced mixing has meant many young children haven’t yet formed a strong immunity to  RSV and similar infections. With an increase in adult infections such as influenza, there’s more reason than ever to stay on top of good winter hygiene. 

Let the fresh air in 

After the isolation of last year’s lock down little ones are more excited than ever to enjoy the party season. However, an increase in invites also means an increase in the spread of airborne winter bugs. If you’re hosting a party, it might be a good idea to spend time outdoors, as well as opening windows and doors to keep fresh air flowing and little ones well. We know we all want to preserve heat to keep our fuel bills down – but before the party is in full flow it’s good to let a little air in and let the bugs out! Find out more about the outdoor transmission of infectious diseases on the Oxford Academic website

Jerome 1

Jerome spread more than office gossip

Working from home is the best way to reduce the spread of airborne respiratory viruses.

Allowing team members like Jerome to stay home when he's feeling under the weather is just one way you can keep your team happy and healthy this winter.

A healthy approach 

As we approach another peak season for Covid, influenza and other respiratory viruses the decision to allow home working might impact your bottom line. Even with a direct requirement for ill people to stay home, there’s almost no way of preventing asymptomatic people from infecting your team. Encouraging home working throughout peak flu season is a sure-fire way of ensuring a healthy and productive winter. Find out about the economic side effects of flexible working on the Barclays website

Joe 1

Joe's got more than first date nerves

Joe didn't think he was 'that ill' until his new girlfriend, (and rows 5 to 9) went down with the same bug!

Make sure you don't 'do a Joe' this winter.

Young adults are five times more likely to transmit Covid

While Covid has already proven to be less serious in children and young adults, the transmission rate doesn’t discriminate. Younger people are in fact five times more likely to transmit Covid than people aged 65 or over. Find out about the exponential growth in infections on the BMJ website

Page last reviewed: 28 October 2022

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