Stay in full time education

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All young people need to participate in some form of education or training until they are 18 years old. When you finish year 11 you will enter post 16 education. Here is an overview of the options and opportunities available in our local area, to help you decide which form of post 16 education you would prefer to progress into.

Young people with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will start planning their post 16 journey from early years and all through school, but it is essential to do so from year 9 in school.

Your EHCP will be updated from school and move with you into post 16 education. Your EHCP will outline your support needs and let the post 16 provider know exactly what you need to successfully engage in learning and complete the course.

Further Education College

Our local colleges offer a wide variety of qualifications intended to be accessible to a diverse range of learners of all abilities, usually through a dedicated Additional Learning Support Team. Support enables you to work towards the outcomes in your Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), although support can also be available if you do not have an EHCP but have some additional needs.

Courses start at Entry/ Foundation Level through to Level 3 such as A-levels and T-levels. All colleges have specialist staff and facilities dedicated and designed to help students with SEND. Colleges can offer you transition visits before you enrol, so you can get used to the college environment and talk with staff about any concerns or worries before starting your course. Visit the individual websites for more information on full-time courses and support available.

6th Form College

Most 6 Form colleges offer qualifications at Level 3. These are academic (A-levels) and vocational (usually BTEC) qualifications. Level 3 requires Grades 4 to 9 at GCSE (5 GCSE's) and English and/ or Maths Grades 6 to 9. The school SENDCO will continue to oversee the additional support you may need in sixth-form. The SENDCO will review and update the EHCP.

Training providers

Training providers are an alternative way of learning and gaining vocational qualifications. They usually offer study programmes, traineeships and apprenticeships. The training is usually combined with work experience. Training courses start at Entry/ Foundation Level and progress onto Level 3. Training Providers will provide you with a key worker to help and support your learning and review your EHCP.

Training providers local to Cheshire East are:

See post 16 education and training

View local colleges and further education

Higher education

Education, Health and Care Plans cease once you leave further education and move into higher education. Students with additional needs who progress on to degree level study in Higher Education can apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA). Your university of choice will be able to explain the assessment process and discuss your support needs.

Page last reviewed: 03 January 2024

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