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Moving from primary to secondary school is an important milestone in your child’s life, it is an exciting time with new experiences. Lots of change can understandably bring some anxieties for both parents/carers and children, which is why preparation is key. Explore this page to find lots of information, support and guidance on what to expect as you begin your journey to secondary school. There are various resources at the bottom of the page that you might find useful.
Preparing for secondary school is key to a smooth transition and the earlier you start, the better. Please contact your preferred secondary school or look on their website to find out when their transition days will be taking place. Some schools offer enhanced transition days, these are additional visits for those children with SEND or additional vulnerabilities, if you feel these are needed then speak to your current school. The transition section in the inclusion toolkit (pdf 150kb) can also help identify some common steps expected from all educational settings to support with transitions.
Watch this video to get top tips to help prepare for secondary school.
Here is an example of a secondary school video to give you an idea of what you might expect. Check online to see if your new school has a video you could look at too!
I/we’ve spoken about and looked at the secondary schools available.
I/we’ve attended open days/evenings at different settings.
I/we’ve asked lots of questions about the schools and understood what the schools offer.
I/we’ve applied for my school place (the general admissions deadline is the 31 October).
If I have an EHCP , I/we’ve spoken to my current school and SEND Key Worker about my options. My parents/carers have also let Cheshire East SEND team know of their parental preference.
I/we have looked at and started to plan the journey to my new school.
I’ve completed some taster sessions or extra visits to help me prepare for secondary school.
I know who I can speak to if I have any worries and know the new setting has lots of information about me.
If I have SEND I know who my allocated key person is or when I will meet them.
The Transition Team are always looking for feedback on how to improve our service. Use our online form to give feedback on the starting high school information online form. The form only takes 2 minutes to complete and we will appreciate your input.
Page last reviewed: 10 March 2025
Thank you for your feedback.