Ready, steady go... to Reception!

It is time for your child to start their journey to Reception. It is an exciting time with new experiences. Lots of change can understandably bring some anxieties for both parents/carers and children, which is why preparation is key. Explore this page to find lots of information, support and guidance on what to expect as you begin your journey to primary school. There are various resources at the bottom of the page that you might find useful. 

Top tips!

1. Choosing a school

Choosing a school place can be difficult. Take time to learn more about the schools in your area before school admissions open in the September:

  • Look at the schools available to your child. Check the school's websites to see if they have a completed 'snapshot' of what they can offer. This will enable you to compare settings and get an overview. 
  • Talk to your child’s nursery - they will have knowledge of local schools.
  • If you feel you still need more information then contact the schools and arrange a viewing. 
  • Be transparent. If your child has vulnerabilities or Special Educational Needs/Disabilities (SEND), discuss it with the school Special Educational Needs/Disabilities co-ordinator (SENDco) in school.
  • Once you have decided, you can submit 3 school preferences to admissions - open September to January for general admissions. If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) then the  SEND team will support with transitioning to school with an EHCP

2. Communication

It is important that there is clear communication between you, nursery and school to ensure a smoother transition.

  • As soon as your child’s place is confirmed by the local authority in April, share the current and next setting details with each other.
  • Speak to your child’s key person in the nursery to ensure they share all relevant information with the next setting.

3. Become familiar, together

Getting to know the school, new places and people can be daunting. Here are some ideas to support and reassure yourself and your little one.

  • Take your child with you on school visits.
  • Your child will be invited to taster sessions in the summer term to help them get familiar with the setting and meet new friends. 
  • Attend parent information evenings and coffee mornings to give you the opportunity to ask questions and connect with other parents.
  • Some settings carry out home/nursery visits, this will help your child to get familiar with key adults whilst being in a familiar environment.

4. Talk about starting school

  • It is important to give time to talk about starting school and for your child to ask questions. Reading stories can be a good conversation starter.
  • You will receive an information pack from your school. Use this as a conversation starter about school.
  • Use the school website to share videos/photos so they can familiarise themselves with the environment, uniform and activities. Some settings have virtual tours on their websites that also help to become familiar with the new environment.

5. Involve your child in preparing for starting school

  • Involving your child in getting ready for school will bring excitement. Take them with you to buy their uniform, school bag, water bottle and a lunch box etc.
  • Give them an opportunity to wear their uniform before starting school.
  • Familiarise them with the journey to and from school by walking or driving with them.
  • For children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or additional vulnerabilities, you can request enhanced/personalised transitions where more visits and a tailored transition plan is completed.

The checklist below may help you to prepare for your child’s first week.

A checklist to support families with their child starting school
First week checklistTick
I/we know where and what time to take and pick my child up.
I/we know what equipment they will need for the first week (e.g. PE Kit, book bag, spare clothes, packed lunch, wellies etc…)
My child understands who is picking them up (e.g. myself, family member or after school club).
I/we have labelled my children’s clothes.
I/we have shared all relevant information with the school and feel confident things are in place for when they start.
I/we have practiced the morning routine and have their uniform out ready
I/we know who and how to contact if we have a question (e.g. teacher, teaching assistant, SENDco )

Resources to help transition to primary school


The Transition Team are always looking for feedback on how to improve our service. Use our online form to give feedback on the starting primary school information. The form takes 2 minutes to complete. 

Page last reviewed: 07 March 2025

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