Transition information for professionals

This page has been created to support the transition process for professionals within settings. It is full of resources, ideas, and contacts that could be useful at all transition stages. We then have specific transition guides and support material aimed at early years to primary, primary to secondary and secondary to post 16.

The Graduated Approach to transition

The Graduated Approach to Transition (PDF, 1MB) which is in line with Cheshire East's Toolkit for inclusion, shows the 3 stages of support that settings should offer during the key phases of transition from early years, primary school, secondary school and post 16. The universal section outlines what all children/young people should receive when it comes to transition support. Enhanced and personalised transitions should be identified through early planning, to offer the correct level of support for individual children/young people who may have certain vulnerabilities or have additional/significant needs.  

Resources for all phases

  • Transition setting evaluation audit (PDF, 1.1MB): this is a tool for settings to use to evaluate the current transition support they have in place. The suggestions on the form have been co-produced with a variety of stakeholders to effectively support the universal, enhanced and personalised transitions for children/young people.
  • School snapshot: this is a form designed to give our families and other settings a clear understanding of what is available, with clear and accessible information to support decision making. To submit the form, click on the 'school snapshot' link above and complete the information for your setting. This will be submitted to our Transition Team who will process the information provided and then return the completed document back to you, for you to display on your website and share with others as appropriate. See the school snapshot document (PDF, 222KB) for an idea of what the completed form would look like. 
  • Transition plans: (accessed under each phase title below) this form has been co-produced with a number of stakeholders to help settings exchange information on their students using a consistent approach. They are recommended for children with additional needs/vulnerabilities who may struggle with moving on to their next phase of education. Using these forms can create further conversations between settings, prevent concerns being missed and pinpoint what support is needed effectively, without having to use various different forms from different settings.

Transition guides: (accessed under each phase title below) have been co-produced with a number of stakeholders to help support settings deliver a consistent approach to transition support. Using the Graduated Approach, the guides give examples on how transition support can be implemented for universal, enhanced and personalised support needs. The guides also offer a range or resources and useful links within the appendices. The Transition Guides are still under review and your feedback is appreciated, please follow the link on the back page of the guide to submit your feedback.

Early years to primary

Primary to secondary

Secondary to post 16


The Transition Team are always looking for feedback on how to improve our service. Use our online form to give feedback on the transition information for professionals. The form takes 2 minutes to complete and we will appreciate your input.

Page last reviewed: 10 March 2025

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