Cost of living support

Many of us are concerned about the increased cost of living and how we can maximise our income and manage our money effectively.

Cost of Living Crisis Team

If you are aware of any other Cost of Living schemes or information available to residents of Cheshire East that are not stated below or if there is anything else you would like to see on this page, email us at

Key help and information

Help for Households - Get government cost of living support

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Energy saving and support schemes

Speak to your energy supplier first for help and support with your energy bills. Many companies have schemes to support their customers.

The DWP has created a short video answering key questions about winter fuel payments

Energy and fuel poverty charity Energy Projects Plus and Macclesfield-based Community Interest Company, Go-Lo are delivering Fuel Poverty help and support across Cheshire East. The free of charge LEAP and Warm and Well schemes offer support for residents facing the current energy cost challenges.

Keeping Warm

Online savings

Many people are able to take make savings by finding information online or by taking advantage of offers available online.

Cheshire East Libraries offer free wi-fi in their buildings, offer access to a range of online sources to their members, and they can offer training to those who need it.

Our libraries have teamed up with the Good Things foundation to offer Free Sim cards and mobile data from Cheshire East libraries


Airband is an independent provider of rural broadband services bringing high speed, full fibre broadband to homes, business and industry in rural and hard-to-reach areas.

Airband are delighted to offer free broadband to village halls on their current airband network. 

Terms and conditions apply and for more information, please contact

Financial wellbeing

Disability Cost of Living Payment

Support for Businesses, Charities and Other Organisations  

Page last reviewed: 27 June 2024

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