Support and guidance for health professionals
The Local Offer for SEND sets out, in one place, information about provision and support that the Local Authority and ICB expect to be in place for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Here we will provide health professionals with a central resource for guidance and information about SEND in Cheshire East. Further guidance will be added as it is developed.
Notifying the Local Authority
Notifying the Local Authority of a child/young person who may have SEND , or may need an Education Health and Care Needs Assessment:
Where a health professional is of the opinion that a young child under compulsory school age has, or probably has, SEN , they must inform the child’s parents and bring the child to the attention of the appropriate local authority. The health body must also give the parents the opportunity to discuss their opinion and let them know about any voluntary organisations that are likely to be able to provide advice or assistance.
This includes the educational advice, guidance and any intervention to be put in place at an early point and before the child starts school. This is a statutory responsibility as stated in the SEND Code of Practice.
To bring a child or young person with SEN to the attention of the local authority, please complete a notification using the guidance and links on education, health and care needs assessments.
Further resources and useful information
- Council for Disabled Children (the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector bringing together professionals, practitioners and policy-makers; a good place to find reports, resources and online training)
- Updates on Early Years Education - Cheshire East Early Years and Childcare Bulletin
- Articles and updates from the Cheshire East SEND team - SENDing you the news
- Cheshire East Toolkit for SEND - outlines the provision and support that educational settings should provide to children and young people with SEND
- Private Advice – outlines how privately / independently sourced reports from professionals are considered by the Local Authority during the needs assessment process
If you need to speak to the SEND Designated Clinical Officer for any further information and advice, contact Penny Teale:
SEND guidance documents
Page last reviewed: 30 January 2025
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